Double Her Pleasures (Break Up #3) Read online

  Double Her Pleasures

  By Rebekah Sweet

  Double Her Pleasures

  Book four of the Break Up Series

  Published by Rebekah Sweet

  Copyright © 2017 Rebekah Sweet

  All rights reserved

  Kindle Edition one

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Chapter One

  It was actually quite stupid for me to think that three people could live in total harmony and especially in the last episode with Mason hunting me down and then taking a job at the same farm just so he could get one last time in bed with me. I guess it is true that emotions run high when all you think about is the chase and the sexual pleasure it will bring you. All these thoughts came back to me as I headed out to the barns to start my day early the next morning. I didn’t say much after what took place between the three of us in the tack room, but my input was that Mason should probably retire to the caretaker’s suite, I regretted everything I had done with the two men back in the tack room. I kept to myself for the rest of the evening in the main house, as Geffrey seemed to understand that leaving me alone was probably for the best. Don’t get me wrong I was open to sexual adventures that would heighten an already amazing sex life but with who? My thoughts consumed my mind for the most part of my morning, and the time was approaching that I would have to deal with some sort of explanation to why I was ignoring both men. All I could think about was how dumb I was to let two men pursued me into what was an amazing adventure, I didn’t even stop to think about any of the consciences I just simply reacted to a situation that may or may not have been triggered by a stupid wet dream.

  I needed to focus for the day and the rest of my life for that matter, I was so mad at my self for letting my guard down on what I had vowed to do with my life. I was here to work and build a new life and I was wasting it with stupid acts of promiscuous sex. I quickly shook off all my thoughts and regrets as the smell of freshly oiled bridles and saddles filled my senses. Being in the barns with these amazing young horses made me forget my problems and allowed for me to have a new positive energy and purpose. I turned on my google music app and selected my riding music which happened to be upbeat light country, don’t laugh the horses picked it out, I proceeded to groom and tack my favorite youngster for his morning ride. He was a handsome well built mount, with lots of chrome in all the right places, and he carried himself very well under saddle. I loved that fact that no one was ever watching me work, I honestly lost myself when I rode, it really was a true union when horse and rider came together. After riding the first several horses I stopped for a brief coffee break, the farm was quiet today, the sun was out melting away the last little bit of winter that lingered in the fields and outdoor riding ring. As I stood at the front of the barn sipping my coffee I notice Mister doo rag and Geoffrey chatting and looking over plans for the new mare and foal barn. Fuck I think, these two men have the best of me what am I going to do? They seduced me, romanced me, and then gave me what I wanted…I love having two men to be all mine, I don’t like to share they both have their good points and they both are incredibly sexy to watch work. I took a deep sigh, and decided that I was totally fucked up in the sense that I was actually considering in keeping both men for myself.

  I finally decide that I should call Jenna, since I have completely ignored her since I got here… “what the hell is wrong with you? You told me you would call me as soon as you got there!” She yells into her phone.

  “Hi” I say meekly “I’m sorry Jenna. I lost all track of time and I got side tracked…”

  She interrupts me “you had sex with him, didn’t you? You let your guard down and fucked him, didn’t you?”

  “Err um well, I kind of did worse than that.” I answer her my voice is hoarse.

  “What do you mean you did worse than just have sex with him?” She quizzes me.

  I needed to talk to someone about all this but she was going to totally flip out as soon as she found out that I had sex with two guys at the same time. “Jenna, please don’t be mad” I start…but again she interrupts me.

  “Oh, my god, you hooked up with Mason, again didn’t you?” she is still yelling into the phone.

  I take a deep breath again, “you are half right, I kind of let both of them have their way with me.” I stop and wait for more yelling, but it doesn’t come.

  “You had sex with both of them so you fucked Geffrey and then you hooked up with Mason?” She asks and then continues without letting me answer, “Well, that’s not too bad at least you got off on both of them. Now you will be able to move on.”

  “Jenna, I had sex with both of them at the same time, like a threesome, Jenna, I had a threesome with both of them” I almost whisper into the phone “the worst part is I am falling in love both of them, and more than anything I love what they do for me.”

  I wait for an answer or something from her, but nothing. She doesn’t say a word and I start to worry I just confessed the most horrible sin known to man. “Jenna? Say something.”

  “I’m on my way, I will fly out and be there in a few hours.” Then there is silence.

  Chapter Two

  I head out to the empty field where the guys are going over their plans for the new barn that is about to be built by Mason. “Um hi boys, Jenna has decided to come and have a visit and have a look around the farm, so Geffrey if you don’t mind I would like to borrow your truck to pick her up from the airport.” I ask looking at the ground shuffling my feet. My inner goddess is folding her arms and stamping her foot telling what me what a fool I am for not looking these two sexy men in their eyes. And she keeps reminding me that I am acting like an immature child instead of the beautiful confidant woman that just had the most amazing threesome any woman could ever have with the two men that actually give a damn about me.

  “So…are we going to have a little conversation about what took place last night?” Mason asks slowly as he is the first to break the silence.

  Geoffrey chimes in as well to put his two cents into the conversation that I have been avoiding “yes, before I give you my truck to go pick up your best friend, who I am certain that you will spill all the dirty details too, I need to know as well what is going on in that little redhead of yours. We need to talk about all this because we all work together. I didn’t hire Mason so he could get back together with you, I hired him because he is good at what he does.”

  “Did he tell you he found your job offer because I left my computer open after I applied for the horse training position.” I snort at both of them. “And you Geoffrey never told me that you were bi-sexual.”

  “You never asked, you seemed to be more interested in finding out about the spanking I would give you if you didn’t ride my horses properly. And you didn’t complain when you did finally get spanked, in fact in made you wetter, so don’t you start the I didn’t, you didn’t game with me.” Geoffrey growls back at me.

  “So, then what the fuck was last night then? Huh? A way to get your rocks off by you both knowing that I would give into both of you. How dare you take advantage of me without including me in the plans.”

  “But we did include you, you were the only woman there with us.”

  “Yes, that may be but you both
planned it, you both knew about it, and you both followed it through until the deed was done. And all fucking day I feel guilty as shit for doing something that I am not even sure I am ready for.” I yelled at both of them.

  “Patricia,” Mason starts “it isn’t like we are asking you to marry either one of us, it was just sex and nothing more.”

  “It was just sex and nothing more, so your fucking telling me that you don’t have any feelings for me you fucking asshole you!” I’m fuming angry as I am yelling at the both them, “I can’t believe I did what I did with either of you two bastards. I can’t believe I let myself fall in love with the two of you, and I really can’t believe that I let you Mason back into my life. I need to leave, I need to go to the airport to pick up Jenna, Geoffrey please may I have the keys?” I can feel tears streaming down my face, my entire body is shaking and I just want to get away from all this stupid mess that I allowed myself to get into. I start to walk towards the truck and I honestly don’t care if anyone gives me the keys to the truck, I just need to leave and head to the airport at least while I am there waiting for Jenna’s flight to come in I can relax for a while.

  I reach for the truck door thinking to myself that Geoffrey may have an extra pair of keys in the truck somewhere, when I feel the rough, but yet warm hands grab me from behind they spin me around so now I am face to face with him looking into his blue eyes searching for an answer. But instead of talking to me he kisses me…his lips they are so soft and warm… I want to melt into his body…he presses his body even closer to mine… his warmth reassures me that he does love me even with all the strange kink that takes place between us. I can feel his growing bulge rub up against my tummy…my insides come alive with excitement again as he pulls me into his body, he is kissing the outline of my cheek line, up to my ear…the gentle sweeping movements of his lips are sending me into a spinning spiral of pleasure. He grabs my hair and pulls my head backwards exposing my neck kissing me from my ear down my neck, then tracing with his finger the edge of my breasts he is sending goosebumps through my body…he pushes my body up against the truck with his own body. He slides his fingers down into my riding pants and into my aching wetness…I moan softly into his mouth as my body fills with pleasure ready to explode. I undo his belt buck and unbutton his Wrangler jeans “please take me” I whisper, he answers my plea in one smooth motion of lifting me up enough so he can slide me back down on top his throbbing hard-on. The girth and length of his cock easily sends me into rippling pleasure, I can feel my pussy muscles tighten and release around him as he slowly pushes and pulls himself in and out of me. My arms tighten around his neck, I bury my fingers into his hair, I find myself biting his neck, and my legs have wrapped themselves around his hips. He keeps both of us steady with his muscular arms, and by using his truck for support. His movements make me moan into his ear, I can’t help feeling what he does to me and for whatever reason I always give into him. Maybe I am addicted to sex, maybe that’s my problem that I enjoy men so much I can’t seem to get enough of them I think as he continues to slide himself farther into me sending me into a full body orgasm that I can no longer contain. I can feel all my juices inside run down his shaft as my body ripples from his thrusting, I moan over and over again as the full body pleasure he is providing me continues to resonate. His grip around me tightens as his thrusts become deeper and longer “you are going to make me cum, your moaning makes me want to fill you up” he mutters as pushes into me with one final thrust that makes him cum inside me, he slows his movement as he comes back to earth from his orgasm. His soft cock falls out of me, he loosens his grip and gently lets me slide down, so that my feet are back on the ground. He kisses my lips, put the keys in my hand and turns and walks away. He doesn’t look back, he just keeps walking back to where he came from and resumes his work.

  Chapter Three

  I stood there for a few moments just trying to figure out what had just taken place but it was amazing I love having sex like that and it made me feel good and satisfied. I took a relaxing deep breath and hopped into the truck to head to the airport to pick up Jenna. I nearly jumped back out of truck when I saw who was sitting in the passenger seat. “We need to talk, so I’m coming with you to get Jenna.” He says sternly.

  “Why do we need to talk Mason, you made it clear that you and I want different things. And Jenna is going to lose her mind when she sees you with me.” I snort back to the man that both broke my heart, and scared the shit out of me.

  “Because you and I have unfinished business to discuss, and I miss you.” He says softly.

  “Mason, you don’t understand thou I want to be married, and maybe have another baby, I want a family. And you still want free love with a half commitment, I don’t want to be the one to give that to you. Honestly, you need to move on and find someone that will give that to you.” I say with as much compassion as I can so I don’t cause anymore pain to him.

  “What if you can have both, what if you can have marriage and the guy willing to give you the free love I know that you crave so desperately?” He quizzes me as we speed down the highway listening to country music in the background. “Hey, how long before Jenna’s flight lands?” He asks.

  “Her flight lands in an hour and half, why?” I answer him.

  “Then let’s pull over and get some eats an chat for a bit, after all you left without saying good-bye, I chased you to Geoffrey’s farm and you let me have sex with you, and now I’m in the truck with you and you haven’t kicked me out. So, I think you might be open to what I want to offer you.” Mason concludes.

  I think for a bit, maybe I should hear him out, maybe he might have something useful to say, I did live with him for four years, and I did leave with out saying good bye so at the very least I owed him sitting and listening to what he had to say. “Ok, where do you want to eat?” I ask him.

  “It doesn’t really matter, maybe pick something close to the airport. Some where a little bit on the quieter side.” He suggests.

  I find this little pub on the side of the road surrounded by forest, this should be quiet enough for him I think. As I pull in and park he reaches over and touches the side of my face, when I turn to look at him… he is right there in front of me moving in closer to kiss me, his lips plant themselves firmly on mine, his hands find their way up my shirt and caressing my breasts, he is making me want him all over again. How is this possible that I can want two different men and not care, maybe I am addicted to sex. I don’t really want to give into Mason’s magical ways of seduction. But my inner goddess is “screaming yes take him, who cares, he makes us feel alive with excitement!” Instead of screaming back at her in my mind no you are wrong, I find myself laying back and allowing him to have more access to my body. He understands immediately and waists no time in making sure I’m not leaving. He quickly undoes his jeans and pulls his shirt off over his head with on hand. He pulls my riding pants down, and admires the shaven wet slit before him. He must know that I let Geoffrey have his way with me less than an hour ago, I think, but I don’t care, I feel so naughty, so raw with passion, I feel like I am the bad girl for cheating or something, but I want it, I want it all. I want the sexy bad husband that spanks me behind closed doors, and I want the rugged bad boy that I fuck daily without my husband knowing. My inner goddess is cheering me on, and I grab Mason by his head and pull his mouth to lick that beautiful glistening pussy, “Make me cum on your face” I growl. His eyes are dancing with excitement he knows how much I love his mouth on my slit, he does as I ask and the warmth of his mouth makes contact with my juicy wet pussy, I arch my back and push myself deeper into his face, his tongue slips inside and I feel my muscles tighten around it. His hands force my bra off so he can fondle my hardening nipples, I start to moan in pleasure. “That’s it baby, let yourself be free.” He murmurs as he slowly kisses my tummy, and then each breast he actually lingers at each one by teasing each nipple with the tip of his tongue. I can feel him pressing his growing monster at my entrance,
at the moment he is just letting the tip of his head tease the swelling wetness that will soon be gushing if he doesn’t fully push himself inside me. I love what he is doing to my body I want him to fuck me as hard as he can, but I am patient. He makes his way to my lips and shoves his tongue in my mouth and I taste myself on his lips and tongue which makes me hornier, I start to thrust myself up to him, I want to feel more than just the tip now, I want to feel his shaft too. He meets my need and lets me have all of him, he is bigger and thicker than Geoffrey and he has no problem filling my aching hole. Mason moans into my mouth as he pushes into me.

  “Baby you feel so good, you are so wet, and swollen, and my cock just seems to fall into you.” He mutters as he grinds around inside me. “I know that you want another baby, I also know that you want marriage, I can give you what Geoffrey can’t, and he can give you what I can’t. So, I think you should let this happen.”

  “Let what happen?” I stop him from moving around inside me and thrusting in and out of me.

  “I going to cum inside you! I can’t stop it anymore, your pussy makes me feel so good, its so tight, and I can’t stop fucking you!” Mason exclaims

  He is to heavy for me to push off, and I want him to keep fucking me, I don’t want him to stop and then I realize as soon as I hear him moan as he plunges himself deep inside me, that he is trying to give me what I want, he is trying to make a baby with me. For whatever reason, it makes me respond him even more I wrap my legs around his back, thrust myself into him as far as his mammoth cock will let me, I feel him hit the end of my cervix and moan in pleasure as he hits my cervix and my g-spot.

  “Deeper, Mason, fuck me, oh god harder” I moan loudly. “I’m cumming on you.”

  Mason collapses on top of me while we both regain our senses and bring our breathing back to normal. We quickly get redressed and head into the pub for a quick bite to eat.