Winter Break Rendezvous (Rendezvous Series Book 1) Read online

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  The Christmas brunch went off without a hitch it was so perfect in every way, everyone was happy everyone was in the Christmas spirit even office staff was singing Christmas carols. To see how happy enough he was at the progress in the company in the short time that I was with the law firm was so exhilarating. He would catch my eye across the room and he that smile and his eyes would sparkle all he looked so sexy I couldn’t wait to get him in the car alone. Matthew and I finished up cleaning the reception area so that we could leave to go to Oregon we made small talk while we took tidied up the area and the time seemed to pass so very slowly or maybe it was just excitement. I didn’t know but I did know that I wanted more. I was the first to speak and break our silence “Matthew that was quite a party, and I still haven’t opened my present it still sits under the tree you know is it OK if I open it?” I questioned him

  “What do you mean you still haven’t opened it? Of course, you can open it come let me help you” he had that silly stupid mischievous look on his face again the one that he had when I want a kiss him.

  He took me over to under the Christmas tree he gently kissed me on the cheek, he then ran his hand down the cusp of my breast which sent chills through my entire body “here my dear this is for you” he whispered “open it and then we must leave or we will be late I have dinner reservations I hope you don’t mind that I took the liberty of inviting you for dinner.”

  I frantically opened the little red envelope inside it was a card of course there was a card that said “merry Christmas and a happy new year I am glad you work for me, our new year will be amazing together.” Despite what he wrote what it did to my insides disturbed me, he wanted me as much as I wanted him. The gift he gave me was a gift card and I am not kidding you for one thousand dollars, to go shopping for clothes in the Oregon coast. “oh my god I don’t know what to say no one has ever give me a thousand dollars for shopping.” I say with tears in my eyes, I run up to him and give him the biggest hug anyone has probably ever given anyone. He hugs me back so tightly that it makes me feel secure and safe within his arms, he kisses my forehead “Your welcome, now come we must go.”

  Chapter Four

  We speed away from the city heading to the Oregon coast, Mathew’s car is sleek like him but modern which is not him, he seems old fashion in the way he runs the firm and the way he treats me. I want to slide over to him and slip my hand into his pants so I can feel the girth of his cock, but before I act on my impulses he reminds me that I am to call my mother like I promised her. He really knows how to ruin the mood, when I finally get the courage to make my move. I quickly call home.

  “Hi mom, just wanted to let you know we are on our way we should hit the coast no later than four…oh no mom we wont have dinner with you tonight Mathew has made reservations for dinner.” Just then I feel a jab in my arm from Mathew he mouths the words “your parents are invited to join us” …mom you and dad are expected to join us for dinner, so I guess we will swing by the house and you will ride with us…yes mom see you in a couple hours.” I hang up the phone.

  “Good girl, now you may play with my cock, I saw you eyeing it, and biting your lip.” He says as he grins at me and slides himself in the driver’s seat so I can have access to his pants.

  I am so eager, and what the fuck I was biting my lip, my god this man is starting to get under my skin. I slowly slink my fingers across his thigh he moans quietly as I go, I don’t stop I keep letting my hand run across his stomach his skin is soft and his man hair is short and silky I let my fingers feel and tease the muscles under his skin. I hear him sigh as I go, my fingers and hand reach for his cock, and I find it easily, he isn’t wearing underwear he goes commando to work I think to myself. His cock is semi hard, there isn’t any pubic hair, his cock has the silkiest skin I have ever felt, the tip of his head feels like it has the most perfect point that could easily slip into any pussy without hurting. His hardening cock is growing in my hand, I slowly run my index finger down his shaft so I can feel his veins that are swelling from my touch.

  “My god Annabel you have the most amazing touch, it is so soft, so sensuous, it is turning me on.” He rasps

  I can feel that he is fully hard now, instead of telling him what I am going to do to him I just do it, I lean over his lap, lift his shirt, undo his pants all with my lips, my hand helps his hard erection find it way into my warm, watering, wanting mouth. My lips wrap around his entire girth he is so thick and so long, I bet he can give endless orgasms I think as I bounce my mouth, tongue and lips on his cock. My pussy lips are dripping with excitement and more than anything I want to rub myself with my free hand, I know if I do it will make him explode into my mouth and since we are driving I will have no other choice but to swallow all of him. But then I decide what is the hurry in making him come so soon, after all we will be spending two weeks together why not take my time with this and tease him a little longer. I swirl my tongue around the tip of his head, suck on his throbbing head just a little longer, my hand is holding his shaft while I let my lips lick and tease his tip and only the tip. I didn’t want him to come yet. He moans softly through his clenched teeth as he try’s to focus on driving, one of his hands grabs a hold of my hair and holds my head in place. I feel his bum muscles start flex and relax as I tease the tip of his head.

  “Perhaps we should pull over so you can finish what you started darling, I can barely focus anymore.” He pleads

  “No, you are not pulling over” I say as I stop and tuck his beautiful package back into his pants “This was just a sample of what will come over the next two weeks with you.”

  Mathew is smiling at me “So you have finally given into what you desire?”

  “Well, sort of, I mean, I find you attractive and you make me want to know more, but I can’t take the sexual tension between us anymore. I don’t know what this will turn into at the end of our two weeks, but I figure I might as well have some fun.”

  “So” He starts slowly “you find me attractive?” He smirks at me

  “Yes, is that a problem?” I question looking at my lap twisting my hands nervously. How did this turn into a question period, he was putting me on the spot, all I wanted to do was get off on him, I didn’t want anything more. But he had already started putting some thought and emotion into this little fling that was taking place between us.

  “Actually, I do have a bit of a problem…you are to old for me, and that my friend will never work, I just wanted to fuck you, you have a nice cock, and I need to get off I haven’t had any real sex for a very long time… and since we both needed to go to the same area for Christmas I thought I would kill two birds with one stone, make my parents think I have a man, get my girls rocks off, ok maybe three birds with one stone, and get some work done for you before the new year so I am not so far behind when we return from the holidays.” I saying breathing heavily once I was finished. Mathew didn’t say anything for a very long time he just looked straight at the road and his facial expression had grown cold. I felt regret as soon as I said all those words, I basically just told him I was using him for his cock, maybe I did want more from him but I was trying to push him away I didn’t want to get hurt again. We sat in the uncomfortable silence for a good twenty minutes.

  He finally said “your biting your lip again, and how old do you think I am?” he was still staring at the road before us.

  Fuck how did he know I was biting my lip, I needed to stop that habit before I broke the skin on my lip, but then I decide I should probably answer him “um well, I guess I thought you were in your fifties, maybe late forties, I’m just going by…well by the grey in your hair.”

  “and if I were to tell you that you are wrong and that I am younger than what you had thought in your head…would that change your mind about just wanting to get your lady rocks off?” he questioned me

  “I don’t think that age really has anything to do with it” I try to cover up what I said earlier knowing full well that what I just said isn’t going to fly.
I really messed this one up and I am not to sure how to get out of the repercussions. “I mean I’m not really sure if I am ready for something more than just a fling.” There that should work I think to myself.

  “And what are you so afraid of? And you think a fling is going to be any better? I mean we work together and if we are just to have a fling it is going to make working together worse for us if we have to see each other after we have been together.” He says, I know he is trying to take all my excuses away.

  I think for a little bit before I answer him, then finally it just comes pouring out before I can even stop it “well, if you insist I don’t just enjoy the love of a man, but also a woman, and six years ago I had both a boyfriend and a girlfriend and both of them hurt me so very badly that I never wanted to fall in love with anyone again. So, I stayed away from girls and I stayed away from guys too. and all I did is buy sex toys online and that would satisfy me until I needed that next orgasm. I was prepared to go through my life without anyone just so I wouldn’t get hurt again.”

  “Hang on, ok, wait you are bisexual?” Mathew quizzed me. “And you had a boyfriend and a girlfriend at the same time? Like did you guys all live together? What are the rules in a game like that?”

  “Um, I don’t know where to start but yes to the first three questions and rules, well boundaries is probably a better word. the boundaries were that the three of us would never play without each other there, and yes the three of us would share a bed and sleep together, and what broke the three of us up was that the two of them went a played with each other without me, and they decided they wanted to live together and pursue a life together without me, even though it was me and my boyfriend that started out together and went looking for a third and in the end I got screwed. So, you can see where I have trust issues and I don’t really want to talk about it, but we can talk about anything else you wish.” I said with a huge sigh that felt good to get that off my chest.

  “I still can’t believe that you are bisexual, I mean that is a guy’s dream to have a girlfriend that is open to having sexual relations with another woman. Would you do it again?” He questioned with glistening dancing eyes.

  I knew that question was coming and this is why I had a hard time telling anyone what my sexual desires were, because then came the question if I would do it again. Slowly I answered him, “well, I don’t think I would share my bed or my boyfriend permanently again, but I would be open to the occasional night out with another woman.”

  “would you let me watch? I just want to watch.” Mathew said like a excited panting dog.

  “Does the girl on girl turn you on? Would you be stroking your cock while you drooled at the sight of two women kissing each other, fondling each other’s breasts, or would you like the sight of us going down on each other, just begging to touch us? And then who would you want to fuck more me or her?” I say giggling since I just know his bulge is growing in his pants at the fantasy I am painting in his mind.

  “You would let me fuck her?”

  “Sure, I would we don’t have an attachment to each other so why not, it might be fun watch you with another woman, who knows maybe you might like being watched.” I finish “ oh hey this is our exit, we need to get to my parents to pick them up for our dinner reservation, we can finish this conversation later.”

  Chapter Five

  I text my parents that we are almost there and that we should make the introductions short as we need to head to the restaurant. We pull into the drive way and to my surprise my parents are standing on the porch waiting for us. I honestly didn’t mean for them to wait in the cold for us, but I think that they were excited to meet the “new man” in my life, but he wasn’t mine yet we were still dancing around the sex and the chase. My parents wave to us and start to walk out to Mathew’s black Audi. “come on we better get out and make this look real.” I mutter. I am flustered and horny with the talk we had on the drive over here.

  Mathew jumps out smiling from ear to ear “Hi Mr. and Mrs. Whitton it is so nice to finally meet you.” He hugs my mom and shakes my dads hand. I am so shocked that he just took control like that it made the transition for me to regain my daughter like composure, I get out of the car to hug my mom and dad.

  “Merry Christmas mom and dad! How are you guys? Oh, it is so good to see you again I didn’t realize how much I missed home. And you have met Mathew Shaffer, he is the main partner our law firm.” Mom kisses me hugs me and whispers “oh, Annabel he is perfect for you.” Mathew is smirking at me, he knows he has been approved by them.

  “well, folks we should get going if we are going to make our reservation.” He says as he opens the doors to the back seat, he helps my mom into the car and closes her door. His eyes never leave mine, he seems to have a cocky attitude as he mouths to me “I’m in, your mine tonight” he gets back in the driver side and we are down the road in a flash. My insides are tingling, I want him so badly, I can’t believe I am giving into my desires after years of being hurt. I am going to let this man have his

  “hope you like seafood, I took the liberty and made reservations as well as pre-ordering our dinner. With it being Christmas eve it is so busy, so I find it the least stressful and most enjoyable to pre-order for everyone.” He says to my parents looking in the rear-view mirror.

  “That sounds delightful Mathew, we enjoy all types of food. Will your parents be joining us?” My mom asks

  Mathew looks over at me takes a deep breath “No, my parents are in Mexico for Christmas, my dad was able to retire early when I took over his partnership at the firm.” He finishes quickly. “So, I made plans to come out the Oregon coast by myself and take care of their beach house while they are away.”

  Hmmm smooth Mathew real smooth my inner goddess says to herself…mean while I am stamping my feet and had my mouth pursed in disapproval, why the fuck did he lie to me all he had to say is that he was alone for Christmas and I would have brought him along. And he never did tell me how old he is…you know I need to not be so eager to get into anyone’s pants from now on. Mathew sees my disproval, runs his hands down the inside of my thigh “baby, I’m sorry I should have told you sooner, I just didn’t want you to turn me down. I have been wanting to be with you for sometime now and asking you out while you are taking notes for me is not the time.” he says quietly and as he does he kisses me on the cheek.

  He does have a point and to not embarrass him or my self in front of my parents I smile meekly at him and accept his excuse for now. We arrive at the restaurant, Mathew drops us at the entrance while he parks the car. The restaurant has a romantic ambience about it, the wrap around windows all look out onto the ocean, we are nestled quietly in between the brick fireplace and floor to ceiling window, we watch the sun set as our server brings us our red wine, one by one our dishes of food came out raw oysters, then crab and lobster tails, served with a salad, roasted potatoes, and garlic dinner rolls. “This is quite the aphrodisiac meal, Mathew” I say jokingly. My parents both look at each other and then give me the not now look. I shrug it off, and make small talk to pass the time away, I want to get back so I can have my one on one time with Mathew.

  “What a lovely meal Mathew, thank you so much for taking us out tonight.” My Mom says. “we haven’t had a meal out in ages and this was a perfect surprise.”

  “My pleasure Mrs. Whitton, if I am going to make Annabel a big part of my life I want to include everyone that is important to her.” He says sweetly, meanwhile I know his thoughts are wandering off to what he will be doing to me later. But you see my inner goddess is getting impatient and wants this night to get a move on, I can feel her stomping around my insides making them all gooey and wet and swollen. But in all honesty, it was a lovely night, and after a few glasses of red wine I was feeling a bit tipsy which makes all my inhibitions leave and I tend to be a little more loose on the morals department. I sit at the table across from him smiling at him, I guess I was lost in thought about what things might look like between the two of us
. I could get used to being spoiled by Mathew and maybe even one day by the Mrs. Shaffer, I giggle to myself at the thought.

  “Coming Annabel, it is time to take your parents home.” Mathew says as he disturbs my thoughts.

  “Oh, yes sir, coming.” I stammer out.

  My parents and Mathew converse back and forth during the ride back to their home. I know he has their approval to date me if that is in his plans.

  “Mathew, thank you again for such a lovely Christmas eve dinner, it was a pleasant surprise for a change. Are you going to be joining Annabel for Christmas brunch at our home?” my mom questions him.

  “Yes, Mrs. Whitton that would be lovely. What time should we be there? And what can we bring for sharing?” He asks as he gets out of the car to open my Dad’s door, and my mom’s door. I get out as well to hug my parents good night.

  “Well, I think any time is fine as long as it is before eleven am, we try to eat by then. I hadn’t given any thought to sharing food Mathew, but maybe we can start a new tradition of bringing your favorite food to share.” My Mom finishes.

  She must really like him, she is changing and accommodating new traditions. This is bad and good… what if the two of us don’t work out, then what… our family will be stuck with the Mathew food sharing tradition. I think to myself. We finish up saying our good byes and hugging each other, and start to depart for the night. “Merry Christmas Mom and Dad, we will see you in the morning.”